
Examples of microcosm
Examples of microcosm

examples of microcosm examples of microcosm

Recent Examples on the Web Celsius’s challenges are a microcosm of a pandemic-era crypto-boom that after 18 months appears to be coming to an end though how painfully or permanently is a matter of intense debate. To social historians it is a microcosm of the early 1900s. The game was a microcosm of the entire season. Sentences Mobile Its a microcosm of the rest of the country. Human nature or the human body as representative of the wider universe man considered as a miniature counterpart of divine or universal nature. The absence of fish prevents the potential elimination of zooplankton if fish predation exceeds production. Examples of microcosm in a Sentence The village is a microcosm of the whole country. What is microcosm with example An example of a microcosm is a small sect of the population which is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinions of the general population. The use of a chemically defined sediment facilitates the potential extraction of parent and transformation products by minimizing the problem of unextractable residues. Multispecies laboratory studies, such as the Standardized Aquatic Microcosm, have much to offer, with advantages of statistical power, speed of analyses, demonstrated reproducibility among laboratories, and modest expense (compared to field studies). Only multispecies studies can provide demonstrations of: (1) indirect trophic-level effects, including increased abundances of species via increased food supply through reduced competition or reduced predation (2) compensatory shifts within a trophic level (3) responses to chemicals within the context of seasonal patterns that modify water chemistry and birth and death rates of populations (4) chemical transformations by some organisms having effects on other organisms and (5) persistence of parent and transformation products. The microcosm facility has been used experimentally as an extension of field surveys being conducted in Hawaiian harbors. If (config.centric = ECentric.Single-species toxicity tests are inadequate to predict the effects of chemicals in ecological communities although they provide data on the relative toxicity of different chemicals, and on the relative sensitivity of different organisms. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. What is microcosm with example An example of a microcosm is a small sect of the population which is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinions of the general population. These are the top rated real world C (CSharp) examples of extracted from open source projects. If (config.centric = ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC & i = 0) I have selected Knoxville, Tennessee, because it is a typical example of 20th century American urbanism: a grid with a central business district, pockets of. C (CSharp) microcosm.Calc PlanetData - 3 examples found. (1) Thus, TCM views each of us as part of one unbroken whole, a microcosm, or smaller universe of Nature.(2) In this respect, Dresden is a. If ((data.no != Common.ZODIAC_MOON) & (data.no != Common.ZODIAC_MERCURY) & (data.no != Common.ZODIAC_VENUS) & (data.no != Common.ZODIAC_SUN)) Cognition of the relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm. A 'microcosm' is an individual or community considered as a seperate universe 'macrocosm' is the entire great world as a whole. Within the cell a new microcosm was revealed. When the microcosm presents an experience of the macrocosm, it is dramatic indeed. Microcosm can be used to describe anything that is a miniature representation of something else. The teeny tiny city is a microcosm of the one you live in. S.swe_utc_to_jd(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, utc_second, 1, dret, ref serr) Short & Simple Example Sentence For Microcosm Microcosm Sentence. Examples This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm. microcosm Add to list Share When you think of microcosm, picture your home town inside a snow globe. S.swe_utc_time_zone(newTime.Year, newTime.Month, newTime.Day, newTime.Hour, newTime.Minute, newTime.Second, 9.0, ref utc_year, ref utc_month, ref utc_day, ref utc_hour, ref utc_minute, ref utc_second) TimeSpan add = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds) Public List CompositProgressionCalc(List natallist, DateTime natalTime, DateTime transitTime)

Examples of microcosm